Fillmed NCTF 135 HA CE 5x3ml is a mesotherapy product designed for anti-aging purposes, revitalizing tired, lackluster skin, and smoothing fine wrinkles. Its carefully crafted formula ensures effective treatments and desired outcomes for patients.
Key Components and Benefits:
– Hyaluronic acid (5 mg/ml): Possesses hygroscopic properties, facilitating water absorption, promoting cell proliferation, and aiding in the formation of new blood vessels. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin’s viscoelastic balance.
– 13 Vitamins: Including Vitamin A for cell renewal, Vitamin B for metabolic balance, and Vitamin C for collagen and elastin synthesis.
– 6 Minerals: Essential for skeletal health, enzyme and hormone function, and regulating water and electrolyte balance.
– 6 Coenzymes: Enhance metabolic processes, accelerating tissue regeneration.
– 5 Nucleic acids: Regulate protein synthesis.
– 2 Reducing factors: Inhibit radical processes in skin cells and the epidermis.
– 23 Amino acids: Fundamental building blocks for proteins like collagen and elastin.
NCTF 135 HA Contraindications:
– Avoid injection into blood vessels.
– Do not use on patients with skin disorders at the treatment site, autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity to ingredients, or during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or childhood.
Undesirable Side Effects:
Patients should be informed about potential side effects, including temporary redness, swelling, bruising, bleeding, or pain at the injection site. Persistent or severe reactions should be reported to the doctor for appropriate management.
Professional Use Only:
This product is intended for use by trained professionals and should be administered with caution and expertise.
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