DLMR PREMIUM is a high-quality product that provides exceptional performance. DLMR PREMIUM, with its unique and advanced technologies, offers maximum durability, comfort, and convenience. It is made of high-quality materials and has excellent features for maximum performance.
The following are the primary benefits of DLMR:
1. It is less offensive and more secure than any other product.
DLMR’s Collagenesis-Enabled Solubilized Active Biodegradable Polymer Technology is a one-of-a-kind technology that allows natural skin collagen regeneration without the use of microparticles. This fully dissolved PCL spreads freely across the skin’s surface. As a result, fewer injection sites are needed, and an extremely thin needle, such as a 30G needle, can be used.
Because of these characteristics, it has less pain and downtime when compared to other goods.
2. It has long-term consequences.
After injection, this dermal filler generates a large 3D mesh matrix, allowing it to last for a long time without phagocytosis. It can last for a year or more.
3. It works in conjunction with other items.
This 3D matrix increases the effectiveness of other goods.
-DLMR + Toxin or Filler = longer duration and natural lifting appearance.
-Ulthera + DLMR = Strong and moisturising collagen production
Location: Korea
Shipping: Globally ( International)
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