DNDD473YL Yellow Lid Sharpsguard Sharps bin 7 litre • IMAGE TO BE UPDATED


Buy Yellow Lid Sharpsguard Sharps bin 7 litre Online

Yellow Lid Sharpsguard Sharps bin 7 litre are specially designed containers crafted to safely hold and dispose of medical sharps, including needles, syringes, and scalpels. These bins are constructed from puncture-resistant materials to prevent injuries and contamination.

Importance of Proper Sharps Disposal

Proper disposal of sharps is crucial for preventing injuries, reducing the risk of infection transmission, and maintaining a safe healthcare environment. It is essential to use designated sharps bins to ensure the safe containment and disposal of these hazardous materials.

Features of the Yellow Lid Sharpsguard Sharps Bin 7 Litre

Optimal Size and Capacity

Its compact size makes it suitable for use in various healthcare settings, including clinics, laboratories, and hospitals.

Durable and Secure Construction

Crafted from high-quality, puncture-resistant plastic, the Yellow Lid Sharpsguard Sharps Bin offers robust protection against sharps-related injuries.

Color-Coded Design

The distinctive yellow lid of the Sharpsguard bin serves as a visual indicator, helping healthcare workers identify the bin designated for sharps waste disposal. This color-coded system enhances safety and ensures compliance with waste management protocols.

Benefits of Using the Yellow Lid Sharpsguard Sharps Bin

Enhanced Safety Measures

Its durable construction and locking lid offer peace of mind to healthcare workers and patients alike.

Compliance with Regulations

Compliance with regulations is essential for upholding hygiene standards and preventing the spread of infections.

Environmental Responsibility

These bins facilitate the safe management of medical waste, reducing the environmental impact of healthcare activities.


The Yellow Lid Sharpsguard Sharps Bin is a vital tool for ensuring the safe disposal of medical sharps in healthcare settings. Its durable construction, secure lid design, and compliance with regulatory standards make it an indispensable asset for healthcare professionals, laboratory staff, and at-home caregivers. By using the Yellow Lid Sharpsguard Sharps Bin, healthcare facilities can enhance safety, promote compliance, and contribute to environmental sustainability.



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