Synvisc One


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Synvisc One can be used to effectively treat osteoarthritis knee joint pain where the existing lubricant is not enough to act as a barrier during knee movements. Synvisc contains the long-chain polymer hyaluronan, which, once injected, begins to lubricate and cushion the knee joint, eliminating all pain. Hyaluronic is unique due to its repetitive units of disaccharides. Orthopaedics

SYNVISC® (hylan G-F 20) contains both hylan A and hylan B polymers, which are derived from chicken combs. Hylans are derivatives of hyaluronan (sodium hyaluronate). Hylan G-F 20 is highly effective due to its chemical crosslinkage.

Who should not use Synvisc-One?

Anyone with allergies to hyaluronan and anyone with a knee or skin infection at the proposed site of injection.

More importantly, anyone with allergies to birds and bird products, such as feathers, eggs, and bird meat,.

Breastfeeding and pregnant women should not use Synvisc-One.

What is the administration process for Synvisc?

SYNVISC is injected directly into the knee over the course of three doctor visits, one week apart. It’s a simple, in-office procedure that takes just a few minutes.

Both knees can be treated in the same session.

Following treatment, care should be taken not to carry out any heavy lifting. Your strength will start to build up again after 2 days.

What are the associated side effects of Synvisc?

With SYNVISC being administered into the knee joint and not into the blood, there is much less likelihood of any side effects. However, swelling, pain, and excess fluid were reported in 7% of patients. Rash and hives have also been reported in some cases.

When will I see results with Synvisc?

With each individual case being different, many patients start to see pain relief after 2 months after the initial injection. Long-term relief following all three injections can last half a year.


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